Looking for an experienced Sarasota Auto Injury Chiropractor or Auto Accident Doctor?
Dr. Moscow has successfully treated over one-thousand patients who were injured in an automobile accident. Dr. Moscow has over 20 years experience in treating patients who were injured in a car accident.
If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, it is imperative that you seek medical care in the first 14 days following an accident or you may lose your right to your PIP benefits that every Florida Resident has.
At Dr. Moscow & Associates we have chiropractic, medical and various types of massage therapy all under one roof in order to best treat your auto accident injuries.
If you’ve gone through a personal injury case in the past, you may know that Auto Accident Doctor appointments associated with getting treatment can be overwhelming. We try our hardest to make your experience as minimally stressful as possible.
This is why we have a medical doctor on staff. Our MD has the ability to determine whether you have an Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) which will allow us to access your full insurance benefits.
There is no need to go to a second office in order to be evaluated. We can take care of all your immediate Sarasota Conservative Treatment needs here at Dr. Moscow and Associates.
We treat auto accident injuries including but not limited to whiplash, sprain-strains of the neck, back, arms or legs, headaches, disc injuries, sciatica, and radiating pain or numbness into the arms or legs.
Treatment options may include traditional chiropractic adjustments, MDT, the use of adjusting devices such as activator or arthrostim, flexion-distraction or decompression therapy, modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation, massage therapy, rehab exercises, different types of stretches, or prescription or over the counter medication, or even trigger point injections.
In addition we have excellent relationships with many other physicians in Sarasota including orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons and pain management specialists that we may consult if appropriate.
Every person is different and deserves an approach to treatment that is best suited to you. Here are some of the most common auto injuries we treat…
How is whiplash diagnosed? Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in an automobile accident and may occur even in minor accidents. Signs of whiplash may begin immediately or over the course of the next week or two.
Learn More About Whiplash
Sprain/strains are very common occurrences after a car accident and may occur anywhere in the body from your neck to your back or even in your shoulders, arms, hips, and legs. Sprain/strains occur as a result of damaged muscles and ligaments.
Learn More About Sprains & Strains
Many patients experience headaches immediately following automobile accident. It is important to seek medical attention right away even if they are mild. Post-traumatic headaches could indicate that something more serious is going on tan injury to your neck.
Learn More About Headache Pain
Disc injuries may occur when there is too much pressure placed on the spine and often occurs as a result of an automobile accident.
Learn More About Disc Injuries
Sciatica is a condition that causes pain, burning, numbness or tingling into the lower extremities. Sciatic pain may increase with sitting or standing and usually involves only one side of the body. Pain can range from severe and debilitating to occasional and irritating. Sciatic pain is a common condition resulting from car accidents.
Learn More About Sciatica
Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries sustained in an automobile crash and may occur even in minor accidents. Signs of whiplash may begin immediately or over the course of the next week or two.
If you have experienced an abrupt backward or forward motion of your head due to an automobile accident you may have whiplash. Your symptoms may include, neck or upper back pain, stiffness, or tenderness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, loss of range-of-motion, pain or numbness into the arms or hands, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, problems with vision, changes in mood, difficulty sleeping or difficulty thinking.
In most cases, injuries are to the soft tissues such as discs, muscles and ligaments. Dr. Moscow may order x-rays in order to rule out more serious conditions such as fractures or dislocations and an MRI or CT scan may be ordered in order to better evaluate the discs, muscles and ligaments.
Dr. Moscow has successfully treated countless patients who suffered a whiplash injury from a car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident, and other personal injury occurrences.
Sprains and Strains are very common occurrences after a car accident and may occur anywhere in the body from your neck to your back or even in your shoulders, arms, hips, and legs. Sprain/strains occur as a result of damaged muscles and ligaments. We must first identify which muscle or ligaments are affected. The human body has between 600 and 800 muscles and thousands of ligaments. Symptoms of muscle sprains or ligament sprains may include pain, soreness, decreased ranges-of-motion, bruising, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness or weakness.
A muscle strain (pulled muscle) or ligament sprain occur when a muscle is overstretched due to fatigue, overuse or improper use. A muscle strain may be acute and occur due to strenuous activity or may be chronic in nature due to a variety of factors.
If you have experienced an abrupt backward or forward motion of your head due to an automobile accident you may have whiplash. Your symptoms may include, neck or upper back pain, stiffness, or tenderness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, loss of range-of-motion, pain or numbness into the arms or hands, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, problems with vision, changes in mood, difficulty sleeping or difficulty thinking.
In most cases, injuries are to the soft tissues such as discs, muscles and ligaments. Dr. Moscow may order x-rays in order to rule out more serious conditions such as fractures or dislocations and an MRI or CT scan may be ordered in order to better evaluate the discs, muscles and ligaments.
Dr. Moscow has successfully treated thousands of patients with sprain/strain injuries. Once the injury is properly identified we can find the appropriate method of treatment. Treatment options may include a chiropractic adjustment or manipulation. Dr. Moscow has many methods that he may utilize including a traditional chiropractic adjustment in order to properly align a misaligned joint and restore normal function. Or if more appropriate he may use gentle techniques such as using Cox decompression therapy (flexion-distraction), Arthrostim or Activator instrument or do various other stretching techniques.
Dr. Moscow may also utilize other treatment modalities such as electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, hot and cold packs, various methods of stretching, massage therapy, exercise and rehabilitation, nutrition counseling or may prescribe a brace or orthotic. Our medical doctor may recommend prescription or over the counter medications, or recommend a trigger point injection.
Many of our patients experience headaches after an automobile accident. It is important to seek medical attention from a Sarasota Auto Injury Chiropractor right away even if they are mild. Post-traumatic headaches could be your indication that something more serious is going on such as a concussion or a blood clot in the brain or your headache may be due to an injury to your neck.
Headaches may include your entire head or may be localized to a small area. Headaches may be constant or they may come and go. You may have a stabbing or a dull, throbbing pain, blurred vision, difficulty with memory, difficulty with concentration, nausea or vomiting, or tenderness of the scalp, neck or shoulder muscles.
If you’re experiencing headaches Dr. Moscow may order imaging such as MRIs or CT scans of the head or of the neck in order to rule out more serious conditions.
It is imperative that we accurately diagnosed the type of headache that you are having in order to get you the correct care. Not all headaches are equal and it is important that we rule out a serious condition such as having swelling or bleeding of the brain.
Once we have the appropriate diagnosis we will be able to determine the proper treatment plan. Dr. Moscow has extensive experience in treating patients with post-traumatic headaches and uses various techniques and modalities depending on your particular condition.
Disc injuries may occur when there is too much pressure placed on the spine and often occurs as a result of an automobile accident.
When a disc herniates the inner gel-like portion of the disc may push though the fibrous outer ring. This type of injury is referred to as a herniated, bulging, slipped or prolapsed disc. This may cause pain and discomfort around the site of the injury or if the disc is pressing up against a spinal nerve, you may experience pain, tingling, or numbness along the affected nerve which may run down your arms or legs.
Other symptoms may include: Pain that worsens at night or with certain movements, pain that worsens when sitting or standing, pain when walking short distances, or having weakness in your arms or legs.
If Dr. Moscow suspects that you have an injury to a disc he may order imaging such as an MRI to evaluate the size and exact location of your injury.
We may order imaging such as an MRI to evaluate the exact nature of your disc injury. Since every patient presents with a unique set of signs and symptoms you will get a treatment plan tailored specifically for your injuries.
Like we mentioned, Dr. Moscow has successfully treated thousands of patients who had injured discs. Once the location, size, and type of disc injury is properly identified we will discuss the appropriate methods of treatment. Treatment options vary. Our treatment therapies are designed to relieve disc pressure as well as pressure on the surrounding nerves which in turn help the disc to heal.
Dr. Moscow may also utilize other treatment modalities such as electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, hot and cold packs, various methods of stretching, massage therapy, exercise and rehabilitation, nutrition counseling or may prescribe a brace or orthotic. Our MD Auto Accident Doctor may also prescribe medication or may recommend over-the-counter type medications or even trigger point injections like Epidural Steroid Injections which are very commonly used to treat car accident disc injuries.
In addition we have excellent relationships with many other physicians in Sarasota including orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons and pain management specialists that we may consult if needed for your injuries.
Disc injuries may occur when there is too much pressure placed on the spine and often occurs as a result of an automobile accident. You have 23 discs in your spine, one between each vertebrae (with the exception of the space between the first and second vertebrae) and act as a shock absorber.
When a disc herniates the inner gel-like portion of the disc may push though the fibrous outer ring. This type of injury is referred to as a herniated, bulging, slipped or prolapsed disc. This may cause pain and discomfort around the site of the injury or if the disc is pressing up against a spinal nerve, you may experience pain, tingling, or numbness along the affected nerve which may run down your arms or legs.
Other symptoms may include: Pain that worsens at night or with certain movements, pain that worsens when sitting or standing, pain when walking short distances, or having weakness in your arms or legs.
If Dr. Moscow suspects that you have an injury to a disc he may order imaging such as an MRI to evaluate the size and exact location of your injury.
Radiating pain or numbness of the arms and legs is a frequent symptom following the trauma of a car accident. Other symptoms of nerve damage may include loss of muscle strength, twitching, increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, or even generalized muscle weakness or pain.
Pain and numbness that radiates into the arms and legs is often caused by a disc injury and is common in Sarasota auto accident cases. If a bulging or herniated disc is pushing against a nerve in the neck, the pain or numbness may travel down the arm into the shoulder, elbow, and even all the way to the hand.
If the bulging or herniated disc is pushing against a nerve in the back, the pain and numbness may run from the lower back in the back of the thigh, knee and foot or you may feel a pain in the buttocks. Radiating pain or numbness can also be caused by whiplash, muscle spasms, joint injuries, a broken bone, blunt trauma which causes compression of the nerve, or bone spurs may be forced against the nerve during an accident.
Each case of radiating pain or numbness is different and treatment options will be tailored to treat the root cause of the problem. Every patient presents with a unique set of signs and symptoms and thus gets a treatment plan tailored specifically for your injuries.
When a disc herniates the inner gel-like portion of the disc may push though the fibrous outer ring. This type of injury is referred to as a herniated, bulging, slipped or prolapsed disc. This may cause pain and discomfort around the site of the injury or if the disc is pressing up against a spinal nerve, you may experience pain, tingling, or numbness along the affected nerve which may run down your arms or legs.
Other symptoms may include: Pain that worsens at night or with certain movements, pain that worsens when sitting or standing, pain when walking short distances, or having weakness in your arms or legs.
If Dr. Moscow suspects that you have an injury to a disc he may order imaging such as an MRI to evaluate the size and exact location of your injury.
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